Sunday, March 4, 2012

Moose-head on the Table?

And other fears this spring

Got to get this off my chest. As I sit and watch the pictures of the increasing number of Tornadoes I am ready to scream out the window. No, It is not, “I’m am angry and not going to take it anymore.” As I look out over the devastation and listen to those poor souls through tears, telling the world, “We have lost everything we care about. What are we to do?” Last year was a record breaker in the number of Tornadoes. My hunch. This year will break last years record with its very early late February start.

Here comes the Moosehead on the table. back in my Organizational Development, OD days we spoke of the Mooshead phenomena. Sometimes it was the elephant in the room. The point simply was that we are suffering from a refusal to recognize a major factor staring us in the face. Why? Because then we would have to do something about it. That’s called, DENIAL. Buy doing so we simply avoid dealing with the issue. Welcome to Tornado Mooshead on the table.

I am, waiting for ONE SINGLE reporter meteorologist anybody who might just ask the question. COULD THIS BE PART OF CLIMATE CHANGE PHENOMENA? Oh, no because that has now become a political no,no like the Mooos-------on the table. You get what I mean.

As I sit here at my desk looking at pictures of my wonderful grand and great grandchildren it depresses me to think of how we continue to destroy this wondrous planet with all its grandeur of animals and plants. How our destruction will end up I am not at all certain. But for God-sakes how many more clues do we need to see what Climate Change is doing? Defrosted Arctic, South pacific Island flooded by rising seas. New deserts being created by shifting rain patterns. Floods wiping out old cities and towns etc. etc. And the deniers keep whistling Dixie as they explain, “oh its just another cyclical shift.” I have only one question for that crap shoot. And suppose it ain’t? Then what?

Yes, it's spring here on long Island. How do I know? The Red Wing Blackbird in his gorgeous,red, yellow black Tuxedo is back. I love him announcing his presence with his call, Maitre Deeee, Maitre Deee. Yes, I am lucky enough to still be able to experience these simple joys. But here comes another probably more urgent fear. Constant fear is a terrible consequence of our times? I spend a lot of time trying to decide what is our greatest fear for today?

Here comes the Bunkerbuster War!

Very heavy saber rattling in Washington about the Iran Israel crisis. Is this for real or is it just another send-up to another war? Sure reminiscent of the Iraq war. In case you forgot Weapons of Mass Destruction was the reason for that invasion. Iran is threatening the very existence of Israel vis a vie a Nuclear Bomb. We happen to be in high Presidential political season. Israel Prime Minister, Netanyaho makes a speech to AIPAC, powerful, top Jewish lobbying group in the US. He wants Obama to make red lines of when we start dropping “Bunkerbuster Bombs” on the Iranian Nuclear facilities. Yes, we are the only ones who have such instruments of war. So, either we drop em or give them over to the Israelis. Even that presents problems of their delivery ability. Okay, you see where this argument is going. It turns out that we might be the only resource that the Israelis can depend on for what Netanyaho has called their very survival.

The counter argument is that the Iranians on not that stupid or irrational to threaten Israeli with a Nuclear weapon. After all Israel has a dozen or more. It does remind me of the years of the Cold War including the Cuban Missile crisis. All those Nukes out there and none were ever launched. Yes that’s an alternative point of view not popular in an election year when the game of “Chicken” is now in full play. Obama is going to have to prove he is even tougher than taking out Asama Ben Laden. Poor, poor Obama he is always being pushed into a corner by the far right to prove his Macho.

Thinking of the possible consequences of the Bunkerbuster War? Arab Spring turns into Arab war against the American Satan. Iran blocks the Gulf of Hormuz. Our Navy bombs Iran to open up the Gulf. Gas prices at $4.00 a gallon will be a bargain as we go to $5.00 or maybe $6.00. Terrorist attacks against world wide US targets including some in the US. Gas lines reminecent of Jimmy Carter. Same Fox News crowd will then be blaming, you guessed it, Obama for creating the mess.

Real Problem. Once this Bunkerbuster war gets started, “How do we stop it??? “ Can we take it to the UN? The Arab countries well say the US needs to get its Imperialist intentions out of the Middle East. And what will we say in reply? We are once again entering a very dangerous game that once started will take on a life of its own and be very difficult to stop. Could be just like in Afghanistan.

Enjoy the spring and I hope the Red Wing Blackbird visits you as well.

1 comment:

Warren Bennis said...

It's even worse than denial. It's willful ignorance; not even wanting to look because the pattern you refer to might cause journalists/all media to wake up.