Tuesday, June 21, 2011




When I was growing up that's what the Newsboys would be yelling. That meant an EXTRA, Edition of the paper was out. That’s how we got the Hot News of the day. Yes and that's what happened a few days ago.. These days I find myself getting a saw neck from shaking my head in disbelief. These people don’t know diddly about negotiating? You don’t open with with a give back. Pulease.

In my many years negotiating union contracts I knew, and the membership knew when we were in a tough spot. Like the Companies business was way off. BUT! We didn’t start with a give back. That just demonstrates your total and complete WEAKNESS ! Stupid. You may have to do that but don’t open with it.

Yes this stupidor is John Rother V.P. for Policy at AARP. (I really tried to find out his pay at AARP. But alas i could not find it.) Talk about your head up you know were. Looking at his picture I guess he’s about 70 something. I betcha his salary at AARP to be in the 6 figures. Obviously he isn’t concerned about retirement income.

But here’s what pisses me off. He is proposing Soc. Sec. cuts in 2063. That's when the present Trust fund runs out. WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS ? BARGAINING AWAY THE RIGHTS OF THE PRESENT 40 YEAR OLDS????. Besides if the US Government gave back the money it stole from the SS Fund we would be okay well until 2050.

I am sure there are very capable 40 year olds out there who should be doing the bargaining for THEIR FUTURE. I am sure there will be a “burning of AARP Membership cards.” Wrong strategy. Better we show up at the National Convention and raise hell inside the organization. Leaving just leaves the field to the knuckle heads who don’t have a clue of what it means to live on Social Security.

PS I am already calming down because it’s hot as hell already and summer has just arrived.

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