Thursday, October 11, 2007

It's Time to Use the "L" Word

We have another guest on our blog, Basil J Whiting. Basil is a major consultant to foundations. For over 40 years Basil has been working on social problems, with his primary concern being workplace issues. He brings us an interesting perspective on the "L" word. As you probably know, the Republicans have demonized it. You will get a kick out of Basil's unique use of the letter "L".


With health care on the national agenda for the foreseeable future, the Republican responses thus far to the S-CHIP expansion and the proposals of Democratic Presidential hopefulls clearly indicate that it is time to use the "L" word.
When the President says he opposes S-CHIP expansion in part because it is a step toward "government controlled" medicine, he is LYING.  When Republican candidates say Democratic health insurance proposals are "socialized medicine," they are LYING. 
"Government funded" health care is not "government controlled" health care.  S-CHIP and most health care proposals are for full, or some degree of, government funding, not government control.  My wife and I have been on Medicare for the last five years and we use any doctor or facility we want.  And, Medicare's administrative costs are 3%, not the 20% of private insurers.
It's going to be a long, hard fight for national health insurance, and there are enough real issues to resolve without these old canards, too.  But we know they have power and that the Republicans and their allies will trot them out.  So, it's time to stop using weasel words about what they're doing and start calling LIES, LIES.
Basil J. Whiting

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