Sunday, November 13, 2011

J. Edgar

Brokeback Mountain at the FBI

I’m back in computer rage. Yupp I wrote it last night and lost it in transfer to blog. Even Mac couldn’t help. They just said sorry. Okay, let’s stop bellyaching and get on with it

I am not neutral when it comes to J. Edgar Hoover. We go back a long way. He created an enormous diary of my life from 1932 to 1965. Over 750 pages of the Schrank file. I estimate it must have cost the taxpayers at least $50,000 dollars.

Okay, when did J. Edgar really got pissed at me? It was at a Machinist Union Convention in the late forties. Grand rapids Michigan. I was on a floor mic arguing a resolution on trade policy. “We should not be trading with countries where workers are denied the rights to bargain collectively.” As I’m speaking a guy from the Press Table hands me a note. Reading and talking it says,” “There are a couple of FBI agents in the balcony taking notes.” “ Brother Chairman point of order. Ask those two guys in the balcony if they are members of this union.” Luckily for me they jump up and start to run. “Stop them, don’t let getaway. catch them!” Mr Chairman they are FBI agents and I want to know how they got into this hall?“ (Only members of the union were permitted.)

Pandemonium in the hall. “Get em, go after them. Who let em in?” The union leadership are ringing their hands like a lot of crooks caught red handed. After the session concludes Abe Raskin the Labor Reporter for the NY Times asks me what is my objection to the FBI sitting in the convention? “Look if we let J. Edgar Hoover stick his pig snout into our union business we will all become victims of his blackmail files.”

Early next morning the phone rings me outa bed. It’s our Local union lawyer. “Schrank have you gone crazy? J. Edgar will never ever forgive you for what’s on the front page of today's Times. Hoover is a man who is obsessive about his looks. How could you call him a pig?” “Well doesn’t he look like one?” Well, that was the start. For the foreseeable future J. Edgar never let up on me. That’s how I got that big fat file with his name, or Toulson on every other page.

The file shows Hoover is beside himself wanting to know how come our FBI Agents can't get union cards to get them into the convention. He's after all the Midwest FBI offices demanding an explanation. (Never knew why this was in my file?) Turns out they were X FBI agents working for the Chicago Chamber of Commerce who had declared me the most dangerous radical in the AFofL Unions. Their publication was known as "Red Channels. Their business was outing radicals primarily in the theater and movies.

Back to the movie. So here is J. Edgar struggling with his gay demons. He has hired Clyde Toulson as his depatty who Eastwwod thinks is his lover. They have a lovers spat. End up breaking glasses and wrestling down on the floor where they embrace in a bloody lovers kiss. You know what Clint? I don’t give a shit about all this, “Oh maybe he was Gay.” I care much more about the terrible harm this man has done with his gigantic blackmail files. He used them against all who as judge and jury he decides is a threat to the country and more important to him. How do you think he lasted for 47 years? He even had F.D.R. in check as he threatened to blow his cover of the affair with his secretary. Yes his victim list started up there with the like of Martin Luther King all the way down to me. How so me?

In the late forties he was trying to get me indicted under the Taft Hartley law for signing the non communist affidavits. My luck. He was stopped by the Truman White House. They said that he could not require people in the Labor Movement to testify against me. They actually told him to knock off the investigation. Look, it was some time during a court hearing on my expulsion from the Machinist for writing the pamphlet on the Taft Hartley Law that I learned about my immunity from J. Edgar.

It was at a urinal. The guy next to me a lawyer for the International Union said, “listen Schrank they are not going to indict you.” “Really, pray tell how do you know?” Well, you see they don’t want all you know about what went on during the 1944 Presidential Election Campaign. After all you were on the Democratic National Labor Committee working for Dan Tobin President of the Teamsters. Whatever it is that you know they don’t want to hear about in some Federal Court.” “Really, so that's what this is all about.” So, I thought have I got people I could also blackmail if J. Edgar succeeded in blackmailing me?” I must confess, I don;t know what the urinal talker was talking about.

I continue to wonder what on earth got Clint Eastwood all worked up about J.Edgar's sexual orientation? The real issue her is his paranoid. masterful. evil Henry the 111 kind of control of other peoples lives through blackmail? Now there’s a story that needs to be told in defense of individual rights. Clint Eastwood where are you?


wob45 said...

Bob, we haven't talked in a long, long time since you signed your books and sent them to me. Now that I'm retired from teaching high school students, I'm concentrating on turning my 30 years of research in to my book: "Grand Rapids Rebel, Rubes, Rogues and Radicals:A study of organized labor and progressives using the nation's weather vane city." I would like to use this section on the IAM convention and you in Grand Rapids. I'm trying to find a IAM convention ribbon from that convention to use as a graphic in the book. Did you know the local lefties and CP in Grand Rapids then? I have some never revealed before photos from a CP activist here, Abe Sompilinski?, his name slips me now, of the March 1930 CP sponsored nationwide hunger demonstrations here. He went to high school with Jerry Ford, him and his brother. They were red babies. He later became the class poet for their 50th anniversary South High School reunion. Alan Maki, the well known activist in Minnesota and CP member now is related to him. My CP guy told me by phone that someone had painted on the sidewalks in front of the school, "walk out March 30th." He was sitting in his classroom room when a bunch of jocks showed up at the classroom door and asked the teacher to see my CP guy. They were carrying baseball bats and hockey sticks. Ford was one of them. They had Abe and his brother come with them to the front of the high school where they were forced to get on their hands and knees to scrub the paint slogans off the sidewalks. When he told me about it, he wasn't angry or bitter, neither did he admit that he and his brother painted the slogans but he inferred it by the tone of his voice. I'm still doing the labor paper, the Grand Valley Labor News now Michael Johnston

wob45 said...

See back issues of the GVLN now Work In Progress West Michigan at Michael Johnston

wob45 said...

Bob, I did some digging and found the photos and his letters to me. His name was Sid Nadolsky and he was a professional musician. I just discovered, on-line, he died in Holland, MI at age 95 on Jan. 17, 2009. It is a wonderful obit. His letters to me date Oct. 11, 1988. Were you familiar with him?

Robert Schrank said...

Hi: wob45 No I did not know Abe Soplinski or any other lefties out that way. I pretty much stuck to what was going on inside the I.A.M. and the AFofL. That sure kept me busy. My other issue was a general fear of people I didn't know. Ther were so many tries to set me up. Like Hookers in my hotel rooms etc.