Saturday, February 6, 2010

How'd We Get Here?

All of a sudden we have this hysterical Republican pandemic of concern over this terrible National Debt that we are bequeathing to our children and their children's children. And “Oh my God how can we do this?” Okay before you break into a critical state of tears over you children or great grandchildren, even I got one, we need to review how we got here? Who actually spent us into this cursed debt? I know the Peterson Institute folks like us to think that it’s the Democrats who are the “big spenders} but as the following fact of life graph will tell you, “That just aint true.”

Okay, you got this graph clearly in your head. Now keep it there while I try to explain what is going on here. During the Bush years the policy was destroy the whole fabric of social programs by simply having no money to pay for them That included Social Security. Remember Bush wanting to privatize it so we all could make a lot more money in the stock market? Wow, imagine if they had been successful? I’d be back working in a machine shop because my S.S. check wouldn’t pay my electric bill. So as my friend Elaine explained it, “Bush is pushing the National Debt toward bankruptcy to make absolutely sure there will be no future money for social programs.” Was she ever right on. By the way if all the money that has been taken out of the SS Trust fund was returned we would be okay until 2040

Where does that leave us now? Yes we have a very big debt but we should not let it stop us from going ahead with programs that are essential to helping the economy get back on it feet. Health Care is a good case in point. Yes it will cost us but it will also come as a big tax break for industry as it will put them on an even footing with all those countries that have single payer systems. We will be more able to compete and more important it will bring back jobs in manufacturing. As I wrote in a previous blog, “if we are unable to do that goodbye to our middle class.”

The same I would argue for education. If we prove unable to continue to master technology then China is going to be the worlds economic dynamo and we are going to be second class, “also rans.” This means that we have got to press Obama to start a real fight for what he ran on. He can start by exposing the misrepresentation of facts that his hoped for friends across the aisle have been slugging at him while he continues dreaming that he is going to somehow seduce them to work things out.

Mr. President it ain’t never gonna happen cause they hate you and everything you are trying to stand for. Can I again quote Mr. Kristol the senior right wing Guru’s advice to Republicans, “JUST KILL IT,” That’s their strategy and time is running out for you and the Dems to wake up and start putting up a fight for what you campaigned for or wish yourselves goodbye comes November 2010 and yes the same month 2012.

Pass the health care bill through “conciliation,”Sure they will scream “Unfair” unscrupulous” and “Liar.” No matter. Let em yell. Just think if the shoe was on the other foot what would they do? You betcha, They’d just pass it and “the devil take the hindmost.”

Okay Mr. President it’s late but I hope not to late to start to start a fight. If you do you will wake up all those new folks you brought along to elect you. They will wake up and be with you once they smell a real fight for what you told them you would do.

PS Look again at that Debt graph up top and don’t forget it,

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