Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Anniversary From Hell

Thats what I would call Obama’s year one in the White House. I was actually planning to do another blog in my Great Grandson, “Decades of you Great Grandpa series” It’s in the works about the 1930ies. But that will have to wait while we deal with what has surely set off alarms up in good old Democratic, New England.

Did the news from Massachusetts come as a surprise? No not really. I have had a feeling for sometime that the Obama White House never lost its way. It just never really found it. Back when I was fuming about Geithner, Summer, Bernanke et,al I felt quiet certain that the promise of “Change” was just another bit of campaign hogwash that I had listened to for most of my 92 years. What changed?

The occupant of the White House had to change because George had served his two terms. What exactly was the Obama administration going to change? Watching the Obama folks deal with the economic crisis it became clear that the President was more comfortable helping Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and their compatriots then dealing with how to get a real job creation program underway or stop the foreclosure epidemic. No change there. It was around this time I began to wonder if Obama would go down as a “gutless wonder?” That’s an old Bronx street expression that could very well apply to Obama if he doesn’t begin to fight, yes fight for all those “Changes” he promised. Or is he just a good orator?

I was reliving the early FDR days when thousands of people were put to work within months of FDR’s inauguration. This administration simply is to isolated from the daily lives of average Americans to have any idea how pissed off they are over the economy. If you didn’t lose your job there was a good chance you lost your home while the banks who caused that loss were being bailed out. To add insult to injury these same banks, a few months later are back making record breaking profits with the concomitant of huge bonuses. No change there. Heah Mr. President don’t you know why that truck driver in Democratic old Mass. won the election? PEOPLE ARE JUST ANGRY OVER YOUR FAILURE TO RECOGNIZE THEIR HURT.

If you still don’t get it, just take a look at what happened to the Health Care Legislation. Obama’s made nice with the Health Insurance companies and in the process gave away the store. Same was true with the Pharmaceutical Companies. Who by the way have been raising the prices in case the pending legislation got passed and just might effect their price structure.

The most powerful piece of the original proposal, the Public Option, at the fierce lobbying of the Health Insurers was dropped. That was critical to controlling costs. Yes the government would compete with the insurers for costs. Just like it does with Medicare. Then came the no abortion amendments. And again the administration caved on that. And so it went. People who said that the final legislation would be the greatest boom the Health Insurance industry could have ever dreamed of were absolutely right. So what now?

Obama needs to take a serious look at his priorities. If he can get focused on the economy then he needs to take a very critical eye on his economics team. Get those old Wall Street guys out of there. Bring in fresh new faces and with them a team of, “can do” people who will deal with the unacceptable high levels of unemployment. Mr. President this Anniversary From Hell can be your great wake up call and I sure hope you heed it.

Thanks Kate N.H.W.Y.


Unknown said...

Hi, Bob: Could not agree with you more - keep laying it on him! Am reading a book which I heartily recommend to you unless, of course, you have already finished reading it: How Markets Fail by John Cassidy. On pp. 156 - 159 is the second-most succinct explanation of why Health Insurance is necessary and the various ills of the yet-to-be-passed Bill which may soon be the not-to-be-passed legislation!
Your summary, of course, is the MOST succinct! Keep up the great work and, in the idiom of our (my) forefathers: "May you live to be one hundred twenty years!!! hginftlee

Paula Kreutzer said...

This is a test. I just setup a google account so I can comment.