Sunday, October 12, 2008


Being sure you really don’t want to hear any more about the melting financial bubble or the election, I thought I would switch over to another poem. I might add that October is a tough month for me. Both a joyous and sad day have come together. My very dear Papa died an hour before the day I was born. While I enjoy the birth, my most blessed life is a reminder of our mortality. Try as I might, I find them hard to separate. When emotions become confused I find it’s a good time to retreat to the woodworking shop or maybe to a poem that is waiting to be written. And with that I send you what I hope is a gift of another poem about one of my most favorite friends.


Is a very big cat.

Stretched out before the fireplace

He appears as Buffalo rug

Head and all.

He watches the world outside

Where a Doe and two Bambies

Take a stand and stare back.

Neither seem to know

What the other is doing here.

Luigi makes a move to the outside.

The Doe five times his size

Breaks and bounds over the hedge

With the Bambies in tow.

Luigi stands in wonder

Of his prowess.

Thank you Kate. N.H.W.U.

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