Friday, August 17, 2007

The German Question Again

The Consequences of Fear
The German Question Again

For those who have read “Wasn’t That a Time” I am sure you will recall my childhood growing up in the world of German Socialists. With the emergence of the Nazi fascist movement in the twenties and thirties my “Papa’ became an active anti fascist who was predicting the eventual catastrophe that would befall Germany. What made it so painful for Papa was his powerful belief in the Germany of Goethe, Schiller, Beethoven, Mozart et al. And so I grew up watching my dear father’s most precious world turn into the darkest era in the history of western civilization.

All my life I have struggled to understand how the Germans could become the inventors of the Holocaust? I never really forget what happened in the Nazis years, but periodically there will come along another book or movie that causes me to start all over again trying to untie this knot of horrors by understanding how this could have happened? I am also in pursuit of any lessons to be learned that can be applied to our own politics here at home.

Rudolph Adorno did a study of the Authoritarian Personality following WWII that tried to identify the personality that totally accepts authority. This typology strongly fit the average German. “I was ordered to do it.” “I just go along.” etc. Remember the sixties and the bumper sticker, “Question Authority” That was a derivation from the Adorno study. (You can test yourself on the F scale. Go to Google and put in Adorno. The F stands for fascism.)

Two recent movies, “The Lives of Others” and “The Black Book” reminded me again of my dear Papa’s nightmare. In the latter the victim is added to the blacklist, thrown out of his job and is unable to find another. Everyone is in a state of extreme fear. “The Black Book” is particularly troubling as it explores the complexity of how people living under a Nazis occupation in Holland respond. This is a little closer to what happened here in the US in the fifties.

I have a personal history that demonstrates how fear creates conformity. In my FBI file there is a memo from J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI pinning a number on my name saying that “in case of a National Emergency Robert Schrank is to be incarcerated in a detention camp.” The summoning of citizens like the Hollywood Ten before the House Un-American Activities Committee was all part of the fear campaign. And boy did it work. It was part of the fear that McCarthy had unleashed and supported by a powerful part of the press that caused ordinary people to withdraw from any possibility that they might be tagged as “subversive”. Some went off to live in Mexico, Canada or Paris; others became apolitical, withdrew, or just “went along.” The latter is the objective of the fear.
It became clear that the first element of a fascist takeover is fear. The fear needed to be directed to a target. For a variety of historical reasons the Jews were chosen as the ideal target for releasing pent up energy of fear. What the Nazis added to the phenomena of fear was a unique kind of terror, as exemplified by Krystalnacht when the Nazi’s went on a rampage of destruction of every Jewish owned business in the country. That was the terror. For the average German that simply meant CONFORM to our anti semitism OR ELSE.

In the movie “The Black Book” the hated Nazi occupiers are clearly the “bad guys”, but even they are shown with some human qualities, like falling in love with a Jewish woman who is working for the underground resistance. And I am reminded how very ordinary Germans could tend the ovens.

The terror against those who did not conform brought the fear to levels of turning friend against friend, Christians against Jews, all against homosexuals, communists, and Gypsy’s. A whole nation living in terror and fear.

As I wander in this nightmare I am reminded of the McCarthy era and how a cloud of fear and foreboding seemed to cover the land. I knew at least some of the victims of that era. What comes back to me is the all-pervasive fear of “who would be the next.”

The present situation here at home has at least one of the symptoms of the fascist disease. That is the use of fear as a way to control the electorate. Having said that, I hasten to add that in contrast to Germany there is something in our anti authoritarian democratic tradition that permits the emergence of enough people willing to speak out in spite of fear. This gives me hope for the future. Yet, I believe the present wave of fear has had a profound underneath influence on the countries collective psyche.

So it is good to constantly be on guard against those in power who sow fear by accusing anyone who doesn’t go along as being unpatriotic or not supporting the troops or subversive. Just keep questioning authority, especially when they start lying and repeat the lies over and over until the average soul ends up believing it, like “the weapons of mass destruction.”


Anonymous said...

Loved your piece; I am reaching a point where I believe that ANYONE with power will become corrupted by it, and can create any rationalization to support the most outrageous behavior; we all make up our own movies to support the reality we want. So the only answer is to believe in the dialectic that the rise of one force creates the conditions for a counter force to arise and create a new synthesis. We cannot trust individuals; even ourselves, but we can trust that systemic forces are at work which counter the tyranny of the few. Peter Krembs

compostmoi said...

Wonderful to read you, and I am grateful your called me to your new Street Corner! I will regularly attend, listen and no doubt learn...thanks, glad to have the chance to read anything you have to say....if you want to go to mine on this same site, you can get there by going to my website first to see you and kathy soon...meanwhile, Peter and i send for my response to what your first blog entry says : there have always been bullies, and Evil is real...our best weapons are knowledge and, of course, that old standby Love....I may sound like the "fool on the hill", but Love is powerful...difficult to find in the midst of pain and horror and stupidity, but even more important at those times...the older i get, the more I know this to be so...xx evalyn baron

FreeFormCoder said...

This is what happens when a bunch of monkeys mistake language and rational thought for divine (or practical) truth; you wind up with ideology and horrific civilizations. Oh well, at least we have the web to comfort us...

Robert Schrank said...

Peter: I agree that "power currupts" and the only folks I knew who figured out how to deal with that was the Wobbies-IWW. There rule was that any person working full time for the organization would have to leave their post after two years and go back to work i the mine or mill.
I agree with the "counter vailing force' idea but occasinally it just doesn't seem to be ther when badly needed ie. the Bush Whitehouse. Thanks Peter my best RS

Robert Schrank said...

Evalyn: I do agree with you re. the power of love. But oh is it hard to come by. Many years ago I learned that the staying power of Jesus was primarily his ability to give unconditional love. I have tried it and it is the toughest task, way behyond what Hercules was given. Thanks for the reminder vas we need to keep working on it. Love RS